Saturday, September 19, 2009

curried spinach pea soup
6-8 servings, 20 min prep, 45 min cook

-4 c chopped onion
-1 T oil
after a few minutes add:
-8 cloves garlic
-4 c diced potatoes
-1 1/2 T grated fresh ginger
-1 1/2 t turmeric
-1 1/2 t ground cumin
-1 1/2 t ground coriander
-1/2 t cinnamon
-1/8 t cayenne
-1/4 t black pepper

once the spices get fragrant add:
-5 C water or a mix of veg broth and water
-2 t salt (or more to taste)
-1 1/2 T fresh lemon or lime juice

once potatoes are soft add:
-3 C fresh or frozen peas
-4 C fresh spinach (chopped if you're not going to blend it)
-1 3/4 C (14 oz) coconut milk

- fresh cilantro as desired
- blend or serve chunky. Its really nice blended and chilled too!